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CephNinja S

CephNinja S4.20

  • 分类:医疗
  • 大小:66.67MB
  • 语言:AR, DA, NL, EN, FR, DE, ID, IT, JA, KO, PL, PT, RU, ZH, ES, ZH, TR, VI
  • 版本:4.20
  • 时间:2022-02-01 21:13:09
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Cyncronus LLC

应用软件Tags: IN

CephNinja® is an innovative orthodontic app that turns your iPhone or iPad into a powerful cephalometric analysis and records management tool. Whether you’re a busy clinician, a visiting practitioner, an academician or an enthusiastic dental student, CephNinja® is sure to make your life a lot easier.

The app is extremely simple and intuitive to use and is backed by a powerful software - a few clicks and taps is all it takes to get accurate cephalometric analysis results and organizing case details all within a few minutes!

CephNinja® was designed to simplify the exhausting process of analysing cephalometric radiographs and enable clinicians to easily and accurately analyse and review key cephalometric features all the while being extremely portable and affordable!

Key features:

1. Cephalometric analyses:

Custom Composite - Create your own analyses
Eastmans correction
Composite analysis (uses key variables selected from different analyses)

2. Photographic analysis:

Facial Index
Vertical facial proportions
Horizontal facial proportions

3. Patient management features:

Add and sort patient photographs by stage
Add progress and clinical notes quickly by using the innovative CephNinja keyboard
Export all data as a well organised PDF file

The original version of CephNinja has been ranked as the top medical and the top grossing app in many countries worldwide and CephNinja S is now better than ever with some great features!

Suggestions and comments are welcome; do let us know what features and analyses might benefit you most and we will try our best to add them to the future versions!

Our goal is to keep enhancing CephNinja with innovative, useful and intuituve features and to keep simplifying your life as a user!

Please note that the app should be used for reference and review purposes only and not as a sole diagnostic tool for devising the final treatment plan.

For queries and suggestions, you can email us at info@cephninja.com or just send us a message on our Facebook page and while youre there please like us too!

Terms of Use: https://cyncronus.com/cephninjaApp/Terms.aspx
CephNinja S V4.20更新日志:
Bug fixes.

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本站网友:老八葫芦娃在2019-08-06 18:45:48回复:CephNinja S,可以添加头影测量,患者照片和治疗记录内容,可以正畸患者的管理,交互沟通,挺方便的!
本站网友:8376599¥在2017-06-26 23:43:44回复:不错的软件,操作是方便,可惜没有中文版,最后的分析结果还没看懂


CephNinja S

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