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画画 格 & 布局 照片 追踪 纸 by Myvinchy

画画 格 & 布局 照片 追踪 纸 by Myvinchy1.2

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:54.25MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.2
  • 时间:2022-04-17 21:11:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://Myvinchy.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Julian Praest

应用软件Tags: 画画照片布局

Myvinchy is a drawing tool that has been a year in the making - working with designers, artists and design students together to create a simplified and enhanced illustration process.
Myvinchy lets you draw proportionally correct using Augmented Reality, an extensive Drawing Grid Mode, various drawing templates and a system, that creates pixel-perfect outline-stencils from your own pictures!
Draw like using Tracing Paper:
Myvinchy actively helps you to draw and design better - using customizable outlines of the picture that you want to draw are being intelligently placed over your illustration while you sketch.
It is specifically designed for illustrators, artists and designers, who want to create illustrations and sketches faster, more precisely and with a better focus on proportions.

Key Features:

· Drawing Grid Mode: To layout and structure your drawings and paintings, a flexible grid can be applied to your image that you can customize to your needs. Plus, Myvinchy automatically calculates the size of the canvas and of each grid cell for you so you can just start sketching!

· Customizable Stencils: For abstract and detailed drawing, you can choose to create transparent outline-stencils of your pictures that you use like tracing paper!

· Assistance Mode: For maximum precision, activate the assistance mode - Myvinchy detects your drawing and reduces shaking by letting the stencil follow your drawing.

· Various Grids and Templates that you can choose from - E.g. an Isometric drawing grid, 2 portrait drawing templates that help you draw a proportionally correct face.
画画 格 & 布局 照片 追踪 纸 by Myvinchy V1.2更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

The latest and best version - with new stencils, changes in the user interfaces and a couple of bugfixes. If you like drawing with Myvinchy, leave a quick review or recommend Myvinchy to other artists! Have fun creating, painting & designing!

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画画 格 & 布局 照片 追踪 纸 by Myvinchy

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