

当前位置:首页 - 苹果应用 - 图书 - 赛车游戏婴儿1.1


  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:74.95MB
  • 语言:DA, EN, FR, DE, JA, NB, PT, RU, ES, ZH
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2022-04-25 19:05:07
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Kidstatic Apps ApS

应用软件Tags: 赛车游戏婴儿游戏

Does your toddler like big machines and construction trucks? Then he or she will enjoy this fun and educational app with cute pictures and sounds of different types of vehicles. Young children are fascinated by the police car or ambulance when they pass by on the street with the sirene on. Or they can resist to see the diggers, dump trucks or excavator on the construction site.

The app is made for young boys to help them discover and learn the names and pictures of various cars and vehicles using interactive flashcards. A kind of kids peekaboo picture book.

- Simple navigation for small children. Even babies may be able to use the app and have great fun exploring the wonderful world of things that makes a sound.
- Child friendly graphics.
- Voice-over and text in different languages for early learning. Currently the game includes include English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, German, Italian, Danish, Norwegian and Portuguese language. The language in the app can be changed from the settings menu, which is accessed through the parents button on the main screen.
- Free version contains the peekaboo cars and trucks theme with 7 vehicles. Full version features 28 types of transportation sounds.
- Recommended age 1 - 3 years old.

The peek a boo game for babies can also be used for learning the first words in different languages. Bilingual kids starting to learn to speak may find the app beneficial when learning their first words.

Is the sound missing in the app. Please go to http://www.kidstatic.net/support to see how you can enable the sound if it’s gone.

If you experience any problems with the app or have a comment on how we can improve it. Then please contact us at http://www.kidstatic.net/contact. You can also you the contact form in the app. The contact form is located in the parents menu. You can also visit us at http://www.facebook.com/kidstaticapps to get the latest news about our kids apps.
赛车游戏婴儿 V1.1更新日志:
Minor bug fixes and support for newer devices

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本站网友:sddcddnnnkk在2016-12-18 17:47:25回复:赛车游戏婴儿,最垃圾的一个游戏
本站网友:hh19871024在2015-08-09 06:23:36回复:垃圾,完全没的东西玩啊,只能看看,浪费12块钱买了完整版!



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