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Bandsintown Concerts

Bandsintown Concerts8.6.2

  • 分类:社交
  • 大小:153.79MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, DE, IT, JA, PT, ES
  • 版本:8.6.2
  • 时间:2022-02-01 10:30:55
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.bandsintown.com/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Bandsintown Inc.

应用软件Tags: ndsONIN

Bandsintown helps you find all live shows in one place. Stay connected with the artists you love through virtual concerts streamed directly to your device or find tickets for upcoming shows & tours. Our free app simplifies live stream, artist, and concert discovery by allowing you to track your favorite artists, be the first to receive alerts when they announce an event, and buy concert tickets or watch live - all in one place. Sync Bandsintown with your music apps to discover new music you’ll love and get recommendations based on the music you’re already obsessed with. Join over 55 million fans who use Bandsintown to ensure they never miss live music.

• Watch live streams from around the world with one tap of your finger.
• Browse thousands of virtual concerts based on your favorite artists, genres, or by date.
• Receive notifications when bands you love are on tour, doing a live stream, or playing a festival.
• Sync your music libraries through apps like Spotify, Apple Music & Facebook to automatically track your favorites from over 530,000 artists.
• Access exclusive interviews, news, artist messages & more.
• Browse upcoming concerts for any artist or city and buy tickets directly in the app.
• Add shows & live streams you’re interested in directly to your phone’s calendar or send to friends.

Named one of TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Apps of the Year and Business Insider’s The App 100: The World’s Greatest Apps

Terms of Use: http://corp.bandsintown.com/terms
Privacy Policy: http://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦
Email: support@bandsintown.com

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Bandsintown Concerts V8.6.2更新日志:
Bandsintown is the #1 concert discovery platform that connects fans with their favorite artists. We help fans discover more shows.

Various bug fixes and improvements.

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本站网友:V:16619701889一手潮牌供货在2021-04-14 01:40:32回复:Bandsintown Concerts,能不能行了
本站网友:katrianny在2019-09-26 22:30:21回复:慢的要死!打开了又一直卡,登录不了,It keeps you updated will the bands or musicians that will go to your city but I don’t think you can track all kind of music here, not the most popular one.
本站网友:??BIC在2019-08-25 13:06:10回复:Pretty good,为什么一直显示网络登录不上去?
本站网友:离家出走_柚子在2019-07-05 11:21:15回复:一直登录不上,But how can I change the language?
本站网友:夜航航航在2019-06-15 02:24:36回复:Good experience,but too little for chinese city
本站网友:calucy在2019-01-17 16:49:12回复:good for traveling,一直给我定到珠海干嘛
本站网友:7星万事发发发在2019-01-03 02:19:53回复:瞎几把定位,我的怎么下载后打开是日文版的啊,没有英文版的吗,或者是要怎么设置更改啊
本站网友:________丶逝去在2018-12-29 10:47:31回复:我的怎么下载后打开是日文版的啊,没有英文版的吗,或者是要怎么设置更改啊,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
本站网友:1172358在2018-10-20 07:32:54回复:is good,Great app. However, there is one issue. I cannot modify my location if i want to check the concerts at that place. No response when i search the location by city name.
本站网友:差评一时爽在2018-08-09 06:17:55回复:I cannot set my location,Sometimes
本站网友:19947kobe24在2018-06-20 19:56:34回复:Update not very on tinme,嘿嘿?可口可乐具体健健康康快快乐乐太斤斤计较了b
本站网友:天籁之音Z在2018-06-17 12:04:19回复:太斤斤计较了,Good
本站网友:怎么付款了还显示未付呢在2018-04-21 08:05:15回复:Good,要是有中文就好了哈哈哈哈?
本站网友:陈维莎在2018-03-28 09:34:19回复:中文,追踪几乎所有地方和所有明星和乐队或艺人的演出
本站网友:fant~baby在2017-07-04 19:51:34回复:很不错,关注了好多明星,还可以看他们的行程,好评!
本站网友:LilyAnything在2017-05-06 02:53:29回复:欧美圈达人追星必备!,信息更新很快 超棒 个人觉得比songkick好用多了
本站网友:魔鬼糖味味在2017-03-24 06:09:11回复:✌️,good~
本站网友:Zhennan Cao在2017-03-19 16:46:53回复:很好,Great app!
本站网友:Uom.Sam在2015-11-15 12:38:54回复:Great app,Nice one
本站网友:微信研发者在2014-11-13 01:41:54回复:For the good thing,Its so cool to check whats going on in your city! Great app! Love it!


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