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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:25:17
Color Code CopyEase of useHex and RGB colorsThe copy clipboard color codes in various formats (#Hex, Objective-C UIColor, Swift UIColor, Objective-C NSColor, Swift NSColor).Select the default copy code. (Preferences) • Double mouse click outside of
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:24:56
Color Picker & Library is a handy tool for our community of makers.Great for designers and developers. Easy to keep your colors organized by project and share it between team members. In a typical team, a designer can add all the colors that are goin
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:24:35
this app used to convert HEX to RGB or RGB to HEXthen you can convert the color to programming code for using in Objective-C , Swift ,html,JAVA ....etc featuring a copy to clipboard functionality making things easier and fast for you also you can pic
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:24:17
CheckSite: find potential problems in HTML and CSSWhen making websites, you need to keep an eye on two types of standards: the official web standards, which are checked by the W3C Validator, and the unofficial standard of making sure that your websit
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:24:06
Create aesthetic color schemes with ColorSquid.Inspired by the principles of color theory and good interface design it helps you craft beautiful palettes and schemes in no time. With ColorSquid you can:• Invent new color combinations with no more th
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:23:48
Colour Dog waits for you to press a modifier key of your choice and shows you the name of the colour you are pointing to with the mouse or trackpad.If you are a professional user you can also have the colour value displayed or even copied to the clip
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类别:教育 更新:2022-03-22 08:57:50
最佳免费涂色类应用,全新秘密花园! 适合成年人的治愈系填色游戏 ecolor是你生活中对抗焦虑的秘密武器 在这里享受画画乐趣,减轻压力,放松心情,展现你的艺术天分 选择您最喜爱的颜色,为图画增添一抹您独有的韵味! 玩法简单,轻松涂色,开始一段心灵瑜伽之旅 为美丽的花卉、动物
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类别:教育 更新:2022-03-27 20:28:44
圣诞节快到了 !!10种着色模型,例如圣诞老人,礼物和圣诞树。而且 ! 通过拍张自己的照片,您可以添加圣诞节贴纸! 魔法 !!为了打动朋友,您可以从应用程序发送彩页或圣诞节照片!圣诞色彩是10种型号的颜色以及10种圣诞贴纸的价格!
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类别:摄影与录像 更新:2022-03-14 02:57:25
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类别:生活 更新:2022-03-10 06:47:25
Holo購物是一個直達版電商平台,我們提供簡潔高效的商品服務,始終堅持以用戶為核心的理念,致力於為廣大用戶提供全球美好的產品,讓您足不出戶,也能買遍全球.Holo購物倡導快捷 方便 省時省心的購物方式, 首頁的人氣熱銷更是讓你看了都不想走,每日推薦更是根據您的購物習慣
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