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类别:购物 更新:2022-03-26 12:48:44
讓窗飾為空間增添不凡價值APEX窗飾歷年獨家開發兼具時尚品味與居家實用性能的多樣窗飾,佐以高科技電動智能E化技術,團隊堅持自行研發,採用歐美高規格進口原料,力求每一個環節精益求精,締造窗飾的高附加價值,提供顧客多樣化的窗飾精采選擇。APP 相關功能● 會員實名制認證● 商
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类别:娱乐 更新:2022-03-25 15:04:44
Features:- 300+ LEVELS designed - Unique game play- 115 "SHAPE" designed (16 easy shapes , 27 medium shapes and 72 hard shapes)- 30 "Boss" designed, Cute shape designed(Heart,Diamond,Star,Moon,Giraffe,Rabbit,Elephant,Cat,Football,Baske
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类别:工具 更新:2022-04-14 16:04:45
每日星座运势 - 占星术是十二生肖最好的应用程序! Daily Horoscope 是一个每日更新的星座应用程序。每日星座运势为您提供最准确和最引人注目的预测。每日星座运势的预测是工作、爱情、健康、今天的兼容性和今天的幸运数字。阅读您的 2022 年星座预测!特征:每日星座运势为这
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类别:工具 更新:2022-03-27 23:12:44
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:47:17
Whether you want to learn C Programming as a Hobby, for School/College or want to build a Career in the field, this Tutorial is for you.This Tutorial covers everything from Basics of C Programming to Advanced Concepts like Data Structures.We at OnePe
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:46:59
Whether you want to learn CSharp as a Hobby, for School/College or want to build a Career in the field, this Tutorial is for you.This Tutorial covers everything from Basics of CSharp to Advanced Concepts like Data Structures.We at OnePercent strive t
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:46:40
Whether you want to learn C++ as a Hobby, for School/College or want to build a Career in the field, this Tutorial is for you.This Tutorial covers everything from Basics of C++ to Advanced Concepts like Data Structures.We at OnePercent strive to make
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:45:34
Apple requires developer to put no transparent images on iTunes connect. With this app you can remove Alpha Channel (transparency) from png images.ACStripper support Macbook Pro Touch Bar.
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:32:59
Automatically test your Button integration with the Button Test Helper app.* Configure your app's scheme & Button domain* Run automated testsThat's it... the app will do the rest, verifying that the Button Merchant Library is:* Properly inte
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类别:软件开发工具 更新:2022-05-11 11:27:50
Clippets keeps track of text snippets copied to the system clipboard and stores them locally in a database. You can search for text, edit the snippets, combine them, and copy them back to the clipboard to be pasted into your documents. Each snippet h
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