【主要功能】一覽:* 手機會員卡:下載手機程式並登記成為正式會員,即可隨時隨地查閱最新會員積分。* 會員優惠:尊享會員獨有禮遇,詳細列明優惠內容,一目了然。* 積分紀錄:查閱你的個人積分增減紀錄。* 最新消息:為您提供各項資訊及推廣,隨時隨地收到各種精彩驚喜、限時優惠。
Checkme 管家需与 Checkme Pro设备配合使用。 它可用于查看设备中的历史数据:-通过蓝牙连接设备;-从设备获取数据;-显示和存储历史数据。注意:本程序提供的数据并非用于医疗目的,请始终咨询你的医生以了解任何健康状况。
Diese App dient der Sprachdatensammlung von Freiwilligen für das Training eines Spracherkennungssystems. Dieses System soll die Sprache im Flugfunk erkennen und somit beispielsweise Kennzeichen und Absichten eines anfliegenden Piloten wiedergeben k
Use this app to allow Blecon devices to connect and communicate.
Meet Base64 Encoder and Decoder, a simple tool that does exactly what it says; decodes Base64 encoding and encodes into it quickly and easily. Base64 encode your data in a hassle-free way, or decode it into human-readable format.Base64 encoding schem
"Checksum Calculator" is a file checksum calculation utility, it can support the most commonly used file checksum algorithm.[Support Algorithm]MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512.
A menu bar application that watches a designated directory, such as your downloads folder, automatically recording and storing the checksum/digest values of arriving files. A simple context click displays the checksum value, another click convenientl
Checksumtus validator calculates checksum for your files, this application lets you verify its integrity to discover unwanted alterations and modifications.Characteristics:- Drag and drop for files- Shortcuts for checksum creation- Copy/paste checksu
CheckSite: find potential problems in HTML and CSSWhen making websites, you need to keep an eye on two types of standards: the official web standards, which are checked by the W3C Validator, and the unofficial standard of making sure that your websit
See your total CPU usage at a glance. Now you can see your total CPU usage in the application and also as a widget in your notification panel. The CPU Check app is a handy and informative tool to monitor live all your processors. And the widget suppo