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类别:体育 更新:2022-03-27 13:40:44
嗨,我是伊格運動創辦人 Coach Mike 八年前我開始專研運動訓練的各種技巧,於三年半年前創辦伊格。目前伊格分為四大系統 1. 體能訓練 2. 高爾夫球 3. 網球訓練 4. 跑步訓練 伊格訓練體系具備『運動員備賽』經驗與成績、擁有資歷完整的十五位具備各種不同專長的教練組成,我們
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类别:社交 更新:2022-03-16 14:01:28
预览并计划您很棒的Instagram feed!添加和删​​除图片,视频和转盘。玩您的提要!使用我们美丽的过滤器来获取精彩的Feed!◆无需登录Instagram◆我们为Instagram设计了最性感,最易用的feed预览/计划器。预览任何提要,无需登录。进行任何更改,尝试看看您的feed看起来如何惊人!删除
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类别:社交 更新:2022-03-11 22:45:27
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类别:音乐 更新:2022-03-13 09:05:25
简洁使用介面, 简单, 易用. 完整定弦模式, 噪音过滤, 显示稳定, 只需简单设定画面上方的频率及画面中间右方的调子, 弹奏时, 调音结果即会显示音位于画面对应弦的位置上.功能说明: - 钢琴音校音 : 点击精刻度尺上方的空弦音名圆形按键, 发出相应钢琴音, 供校音用.
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类别:体育游戏 更新:2022-02-02 05:27:36
Play a brand new collection of games for iMessage and meet new friends to play with!Games include:- Bowling- Cards- Mancala- Skeeball- Darts- Cup Pong- Word Finder- Tic-tac-toe- Shuffleboard- Basketball- Hangman- Chicken Flap- and more!
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类别:棋牌游戏 更新:2022-02-21 11:45:51
So you think you know Switzerland. You've tasted all of the different cheeses, you wear a Swiss watch and you know that Switzerland has 26 cantons (states). But here's a challenge for you: we give you 60 seconds to match the 26 canton names with
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类别:棋牌游戏 更新:2022-02-21 08:25:51
Table Talk is designed to stimulate conversations across a wide range of age, background and interests.
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类别:棋牌游戏 更新:2022-02-16 19:32:21
Simple, fast and fun. Make a sequence, strategize your bets, watch the results. Tor$$age keeps you coming back again and again, to challenge your prediction and wagering skills.Torssage is a strategical game of chance. Torssage is new and innovative,
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类别:棋牌游戏 更新:2022-02-08 15:06:04
Improve your skills and become a cribbage expert! Cribbage classic has a number of settings that can help you to learn the best move for your situation and offer assistance if it notices that you are making a sub-optimal play. Or just play in fast
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类别:儿童游戏 更新:2022-02-20 09:35:52
Baby BeanBag rattle toy app for infant newborn babies and their parents! Multiple sound sets, different backgrounds, change settings and give it to your child. Shaking is easy.
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