Eye Break Timerはステータスバーに常駐し、設定した時間が過ぎるとあなたに休憩時間を通知してくれます。あなたのmacライフを邪魔することなくお知らせします。Eye Break Timer reside in the status bar and informs you of the break time after the set time expire
◆◆◆ 限时特惠 ◆◆◆文件时光机是一款文件或者文件夹创建时间修改工具,它可以帮助你修改文件(夹)的创建时间、修改时间和访问时间,保护您的隐私。在我们的文件(夹)属性里,我们能够看到文件(夹)的创建时间、修改时间和访问时间。有时候,由于各种不同的原因,我们不希望别人看到文件
Graffiti Fonts® 2 expands upon the first collection of typefaces adding custom outline & 3D styles to the popular Raseone font family, introducing new hand-styles, stamps & other graffiti styles as well as upgrades to all of the fonts from GF1. We
Hardware Notifier takes advantage of Notification Center to let you know when your USB devices are plugged or unplugged. A simple and unobtrusive way to monitor your USB devices.
ICMPUtil is a tool to monitor multiple Hosts network connectivity using ICMP echo requests.ICMPUtil helps network troubleshooting by graphically displaying response time of multiple hosts simultaneously. If enabled, ICMPUtil can send user notificatio
This app is composed of five different examples of mobile games where you can use Haptics for Mobile and integrate haptics into your mobile apps. The following app features four different use-cases where tactile feedback applied and improving the use
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