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Heart Throbs - a Spore Cubes love affair

Heart Throbs - a Spore Cubes love affair1.0.1

  • 分类:策略游戏
  • 大小:32.43MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, JA, PT, ES
  • 版本:1.0.1
  • 时间:2022-01-29 11:02:37
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.sporeproductions.com/our-games/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:SPORE Productions

应用软件Tags: CUBEobsAir

<3 <3 WE LOVE OUR PLAYERS! <3 <3
To all the SPORE CUBES lovers out there, this Valentines Day gift is just for you!

Featuring the same game play and addictiveness of Spore Cubes, we bring you new challenges and a special loving heart-felt theme to mark this very loving date:

<3 6 levels to clear and conquer:
- 5x6 with 3 colors will keep your little ones happy
- 7x9 with 3 colors is just a wee bit harder
- 8x10 with 4 colors is the tried and true game you love but a bit easier
- 10x13 with 5 colors gets more difficult
- 11x14 with 6 colors is, well ITS REALLY HARD!

Clear all the blocks to win. A score of zero makes you a hero!
Heart Throbs - a Spore Cubes love affair V1.0.1更新日志:
Hello Spore Cubes lovers! This update brings a few fixes and embellishments:

<3 FIXED <3
- Language support for French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish
- Added some nice romantic music to make your cube popping sessions OH SO SWEET!
- Tapping groups of blocks too quickly caused issues like scores going into the negatives.

Unfortunately, the high score fix required a wipe of the existing scores. We apologize and hope you still LOVE us!

<3 <3 <3

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